Wednesday 16 February WOD


3 Rounds:

30 Second rings L-sit hold
50 Abmat butterfly situps

Post your time to the comments.

If you can’t hold an L-sit on the rings, do them on the parallette bars. If a parallette L-sit is too much, simply hold your feet off the ground.

It will help to do this with a partner.  Your 30 seconds will only count when you are in the L-sit.  Your partner can start the stopwatch when the feet are higher or level with hips. Every time they fall, your partner will hit the stop button.  Continue until the full 30 seconds is reached.  If you do not have a partner, simply count only those seconds on the clock when you are holding the L-sit until you reach 30 seconds each round.

The workout time will be the complete time to finish all 3 rounds.  If you have mastered the L-sit, feel free to do five rounds  🙂

Melissa will be at the gym at lunch today but cannot stay for the afternoon session.

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15 February whiteboard

More pictures from yesterday on the picture page.

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CrossFit HQ WOD:


Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups

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7 Responses to Wednesday 16 February WOD

  1. Andy says:

    ughhh eva… last time i did that i had to re-grow new hands

    and today’s wod ought to destroy your midsection.

  2. Melissa says:

    8:50 on the rings

    • Andy says:

      DAYAMN yeah you’re quite good at the L-sit!!

      1×20 back squat @ 195lbs today, after this i don’t really want to move. plus my rings aren’t here. some days (most days) I’d much rather be at da vince gym!!!

  3. Rey says:

    OMG are the L-sit holds hard!

    14:36. I didn’t even feel the burn on the last 50 situps cause I couldn’t feel anything.

  4. mcgranahand says:

    Had to reconfirm time with Rey, did it in 12:40… L-sits were kicking mine and Reys arse’s.

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