Monday 28 February WOD


500m row
40 squats
30 situps
20 pushups
10 pullups

Yes, I know we did this WOD recently. There is a reason for that…

If you are feeling ambitious, add this to it…


Kettlebell Burpee Cleans

Andy is now saying, “huh” since I changed the workout from what we discussed.  These just looked interesting so I added them in…  I left your number of reps though!!

This is the best video I could find of the burpee clean.  It is missing the pushup in the burpee – feel free to add that in!  You can do these with the kettlebells or the power blocks.

For those that cannot see the video at work…  with your hand on the kettlebells, jump your feet back as if doing a burpee, jump your feet in and clean the kettlebell.  Place the kettlebells back on the ground and repeat.

Post your time to the comments.

Melissa will be at the gym at lunch and after work today.

* * *

CrossFit HQ WOD:

Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps

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13 Responses to Monday 28 February WOD

  1. Andy says:

    We did the wod, and then our monday 1×20 back squats.

    wod – 6:32, 1/2 reg pullups and 1/2 jumping pullups
    1×20 back squat @ 135lbs

    wod – 6:03, Rx
    1×20 back squat @ 125lbs

    wod – 3:45
    1×20 back squat @ 215lbs, only made it to 15 reps… failed on 16. Was too wrecked to pull through after I got stuck at the bottom. maybe i’ll get it to 20 on wednesday!!

  2. Melissa says:

    no time to compare to as I had the flu when CFCC did this beginning of Feb

    I am going to do the second WOD this afternoon.

    • Andy says:

      that’s still real good, did the pullups take the longest?

      • Melissa says:

        I lost some time on the squats – legs were tired after the row and I couldn’t do 40 straight. And lost some time on the pullups bc I can’t do 10 straight – no band though!!

        I did it again in the afternoon – same time range – don’t have exact as I let the CFCCers doing it for the first time use the pullups bar when needed. Then did the 2nd WOD – tired after a day full of pullups!!

  3. Rey says:

    4:56 last time.

    4:31 this time.

    There was definately a difference. Last time I was TDY and didn’t have all the equip readily avail.

    And Dan wasn’t yelling at me!

  4. mcgranahand says:

    Started today with the WoD warm up
    3 Rounds
    10 pullups
    10 pushups
    10 situps
    10 squats
    Samson stretch

    Did “Annie”(Friday’s WoD) catching up
    50, 40, 30, 20, 10 DoubleUnders and Situps

    10:37- I’m getting better, but DU’s are still my nemesis.

    Motivated Rey on todays WoD then did todays WoD in 4:44 as RX’d…

    My 500m row was in 1:43 pretty proud of it, but ask Rey, I was out of gas for the last 100m.

  5. mcgranahand says:

    That wall came in the form of a rediculous looking contraption with a sliding chair, and a handle connected to a fan via chain… Seriously who thinks up this S@#t! I saw pics of it on the history channel in the dungeons of Spain during the Spanish Inquisition!!! Believe they said it converted more people to christianity than any other torture rack devised by the catholic church!!!lol

  6. Rey says:

    Dan was going to do the other WOD after this one but then quickly changed his mind.

  7. mcgranahand says:

    In my “DEFENSE” I had already done two WOD’s… Smoked was I!

  8. Rey says:

    He had the KB’s ready to go and everything.

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